The leaves are changing, days are getting shorter, and there's a chill in the air.
It's time to make the switch from running & biking to ski touring specific uphill movement.
Come learn our 4 Ps of Steep Hiking & Running that also apply to on-snow travel:
Steep hiking with poles, in combination with our Vertical Triple Crown Series and our Strength & Pyometrics program, in company of likeminded people, is a sure way to start shifting your summer fitness for the specific demands of winter ski touring & skimo racing.
Full details about each clinic will be sent to registrants upon signup.
Must be a Boulder Skimo MEMBER to register.
The leaves are changing, days are getting shorter, and there's a chill in the air.
It's time to make the switch from running & biking to ski touring specific uphill movement.
Come learn our 4 Ps of Steep Hiking & Running that also apply to on-snow travel:
Steep hiking with poles, in combination with our Vertical Triple Crown Series and our Strength & Pyometrics program, in company of likeminded people, is a sure way to start shifting your summer fitness for the specific demands of winter ski touring & skimo racing.
Full details about each clinic will be sent to registrants upon signup.
Must be a Boulder Skimo MEMBER to register.

The leaves are changing, days are getting shorter, and there's a chill in the air.
It's time to make the switch from running & biking to ski touring specific uphill movement.
Come learn our 4 Ps of Steep Hiking & Running that also apply to on-snow travel:
Steep hiking with poles, in combination with our Vertical Triple Crown Series and our Strength & Pyometrics program, in company of likeminded people, is a sure way to start shifting your summer fitness for the specific demands of winter ski touring & skimo racing.
Full details about each clinic will be sent to registrants upon signup.
Must be a Boulder Skimo MEMBER to register.
More details:
Friday, October 11 (Intro) & Friday, October 25 (with Kyle RIchardson)
Boulder foothills.
On-trail uphill specific skills clinics. Join for one or both.
Boulder Skimo MEMBERS ONLY.
Beginners to Advanced.
Capped at 25 people to comply with OSMP rules.
Must enjoy steep climbs and be self sufficient.
poles with wrist straps
some water&food
good attitudes. ;)
Free for Boulder Skimo MEMBERS ONLY.