
We've ran and biked all summer. Motivation, day light, and temps are all waning.

This Fall, you can choose to go leaf peeping and sink into a tub of gelato, OR you can join fellow Boulder Skimo MEMBERS in the inaugural Pre-Season Vertical K Triple Crown!

Three all-out Euro-style lactic-bathing efforts on Boulder’s most iconic “almost-VK” peaks to shake the work week off and get the weekend started right.

🏔️ GREEN MOUNTAIN: Friday, October 18
🏔️🏔️ BEAR PEAK: Friday, November 1
🏔️🏔️🏔️ SOUTH BOULDER PEAK: Friday, November 8 (*** Update: complete on your own - segment and suggested route- before Thursday, November 14 ***)

Full details about each will be sent upon signup.

Must be a Boulder Skimo MEMBER or Trail Team MEMBER to join.

Boulder Skimo Membership:
SIGN UP (Program details will be sent upon signup)

We've ran and biked all summer. Motivation, day light, and temps are all waning.

This Fall, you can choose to go leaf peeping and sink into a tub of gelato, OR you can join fellow Boulder Skimo MEMBERS in the inaugural Pre-Season Vertical K Triple Crown!

Three all-out Euro-style lactic-bathing efforts on Boulder’s most iconic “almost-VK” peaks to shake the work week off and get the weekend started right.

🏔️ GREEN MOUNTAIN: Friday, October 18
🏔️🏔️ BEAR PEAK: Friday, November 1
🏔️🏔️🏔️ SOUTH BOULDER PEAK: Friday, November 8 (*** Update: complete on your own - segment and suggested route- before Thursday, November 14 ***)

Full details about each will be sent upon signup.

Must be a Boulder Skimo MEMBER or Trail Team MEMBER to join.

We've ran and biked all summer. Motivation, day light, and temps are all waning.

This Fall, you can choose to go leaf peeping and sink into a tub of gelato, OR you can join fellow Boulder Skimo MEMBERS in the inaugural Pre-Season Vertical K Triple Crown!

Three all-out Euro-style lactic-bathing efforts on Boulder’s most iconic “almost-VK” peaks to shake the work week off and get the weekend started right.

🏔️ GREEN MOUNTAIN: Friday, October 18
🏔️🏔️ BEAR PEAK: Friday, November 1
🏔️🏔️🏔️ SOUTH BOULDER PEAK: Friday, November 8 (*** Update: complete on your own - segment and suggested route- before Thursday, November 14 ***)

Full details about each will be sent upon signup.

Must be a Boulder Skimo MEMBER or Trail Team MEMBER to join.

We've ran and biked all summer. Motivation, day light, and temps are all waning.

This Fall, you can choose to go leaf peeping and sink into a tub of gelato, OR you can join your fellow Boulder Skimo MEMBERS in the inaugural Pre-Season Vertical K (VK) Triple Crown Series, on Boulder's most iconic "almost-VK" peaks: Green, Bear, South Boulder!

in combination with our Pre-Season Vertical K Clinics and our 12-Week Skimo Specific Strength (S3) program, and in company of likeminded people, this series is a sure way to start shifting your summer fitness towards winter ski touring fitness!

  • Uphill self-supported VK style time trial. Join for one or the whole series.

  • Friday October 18, November 1, November 8.

  • Green, Bear, South Boulder peaks.

  • Boulder Skimo MEMBERS ONLY.

    Beginners to Advanced.

    Capped at 25 people to comply with OSMP rules.

    Must enjoy relentlessly steep climbs and be self sufficient.

  • Loads of prizes & raffles from Boulder Skimo sponsors.

  • Bring your own shoes, poles, headlamp, water&food, good attitudes, beer money

  • Free with Boulder Skimo MEMBERSHIP.

    Sorry no drop-ins.

from $0.00
from $35.00